Research Report

Update DateResearch ReportResearch AuthorResearch Paper
2021Impact of Urban Sewerage Disposal on Rural Water Bodies in Jodhpur and Geophysical Electrical Resistivity Survey - A Study of Uchiyarda Village, CEDSJ- GIZ Report 2021.CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES -
2021Water Resource Management in Jodhpur District Challenges and Alternatives, CEDSJ Report 2021CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES -
2020Final Evaluation of the project: Primary Education Centres (PEC). Implemented by Sambhali Trust, Jodhpur, supported by PADEM- Luxembourg, Jodhpur, March 2020.CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES -
2020Final Evaluation of the Project: Laadli Boarding Home (LBH). Implemented by Sambhali Trust, Jodhpur, supported by PADEM- Luxembourg, Jodhpur, March 2020.CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES -
2020Benchmarking the Water Resources & Developing Siting Criteria for Establishment of Industrial Areas and Water Intensive Units in Rajasthan. A Report commissioned by the Rajasthan State Pollution ContrCENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES
2019Geophysical Mapping and Identification of Potential Groundwater Recharge Locations in Chirawa Block, Jhunjhunu District, Rajasthan. Supported by Ramkrishan Jaidayal Dalmia Seva Sansthan, March 2019. CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES
2019Climate Change Vulnerabilities and Agriculture Cum NRM Based Resilience Strategies in Selected Areas of Rajasthan. Supported by Madhyanchal Forum and RAJMERU, Jaipur, October 2019.CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES -
2019End Term Review of the Project titled ?Community Based Participatory Aquifer Management System for Equity and Sustainability in Water Resource Management?. Supported by Department of Science and TechnCENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES -
2018NIAS-DST Project Completion Report ? ?Social Technological Solutions for Major Water Challenges Facing India?. Supported by DST, GOI National Institute of Advanced Studies IISC CAMPUS, Bangalore-56001CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES -
2018Mid Term Review of the Project titled ?Community Based Participatory Aquifer Management System for Equity and Sustainability in Water Resource Management?. Supported by Department of Science and TechnCENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES -
2018Mid-term evaluation of the project ?Improvement in Access to Water and Sanitation of Vulnerable People Living in Thar Desert, Rajasthan India?, implemented by H.H. Maharaja Hanwant Singhji Charitable CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES -
2018Mid Term Evaluation of the Project Primary Education Centers. Implemented by Sambhali Trust, Jodhpur, supported by PADEM- Luxembourg, October 2018.CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES -
2018Mid Term Evaluation of the Project Laadli Girls? Home. Implemented by Sambhali Trust, Jodhpur, supported by PADEM- Luxembourg, October 2018.CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES -
2018Evaluation of Rajasthan State Finances, Supported by The Fifteenth Finance Commission, Government of India, New Delhi, November 2018.CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES -
2018Annual Report- Climate Resilient Development: A Case Study of Mashi Sub Basin in Rajasthan. Supported by India Water Partnership & Global Water Partnership, December 2018.CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES
2017Water Resource Mapping in Chirawa Block, a study supported by Department of Science and Technology, GOI, and implementing Agency Ramkrishan Jaidayal Dalmia Seva Sansthan, Chirawa, Jhunjhunu, RajasthanCENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES -
2017Drinking Water Security in Arid Rajasthan, Supported by Department of Science and Technology, GOI, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, March 2017.CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES -
2017Drinking Water Security in Arid Rajasthan, Part II Technical Report, Supported by Department of Science and Technology, GOI, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, March 2017.CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES -
2017Addressing Challenges of Severe Groundwater Degradation, Water Balance Modeling for Identifying Options for Chirawa Block, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan. Supported by Department of Science and Technology, GOI,CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES
2017Community Management of Groundwater Resources in Chirawa Block- Geophysical Study. Supported by Department of Science and Technology, GOI, and implementing Agency Ramkrishan Jaidayal Dalmia Seva SanstCENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES
2017Mashi River Basin Jal Sansad (Mashi River Basin Water Parliament)- Constitution, supported by India Water Partnership & Global Water Partnership, January 2017(Draft).CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES -
2017Natural Resource Management in Mashi River Basin, Stakeholder Capacity Building Training Modules for Domestic Water Users, Farmers and PRI Representatives. Supported by India Water Partnership & GlobaCENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES -
2016Water Balance Modeling for Mashi Basin, Rajasthan, Supported by India Water Partnership & Global Water Partnership, November 2016. CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES
2016Participatory River Basin Management, Search for a New Governance System. Supported by India Water Partnership & Global Water Partnership, August 2016CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES -
2016Community Management of Groundwater Resources in Chirawa Block, A Base Line Survey, supported by Department of Science and Technology, GOI, Implementing Agency Ramkrishan Jaidayal Dalmia Seva SansthanCENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES -
2015Water Resources Planning and Management in Chirawa, IWRM Approach, August 2015.CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES -
2015Livestock and Livelihood in the Jhunjhunu District of Rajasthan. Supported by Ramkrishan Jaidayal Dalmia Seva Sansthan, February 2015CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES -
2014Agrarian Chang in Jhunjhunu District, Supported by Ramkrishan Jaidayal Dalmia Seva Sansthan, December 2014.CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES -
2014North Zone Consultation on National Water Policy (NCP) 2012: Preparation of Road Map for Implementing the Policy: Consultation report, 2014 CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES -
2014Baseline Survey: RJDSS Baseline Survey, Ramkrishan Jaidayal Dalmia Seva Sansthan, September 2014.CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES -
2013Impact Monitoring Study of Project Activities on Profitability of farm Operation and Income of Farmers under Agricultural Support Services Component of RWSRP.CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES -
2013Mid Term Evaluation Survey of RAJAMIIP, under the activity; Monitoring and Evaluation of RAJAMIIP.CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES -
2012Drinking Water Security in Arid and Semi-arid Areas of Rajasthan, supported by National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS), Bangalore and Department of Science and Technology, GOI (Preliminary ReporCENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES
2012Impact Monitoring Study of Project Activities on Profitability of farm Operation and Income of Farmers under Agricultural Support Services Component of RWSRP funded by the World Bank.CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES
2012Monitoring and Evaluation Consultancy Services for RAJAMIIP, Government of Rajasthan, funded by JBIC.CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES -
2012Report on ?Transformation of State Institute of Agriculture Management (SIAM) into a Centre of Excellence, May 2012.CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES -
2011Rainwater Harvesting and Artificial Recharge in Multi Product Special Economic Zone of Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Limited 2011.CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES
2011The Uncomfortable Nexus ? Water, Urbanization and Climate Change in Jaipur, India, ISET and CEDSJ, July 2011. CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES
2010Inception Report: Rainwater Harvesting and Artificial Recharge in Multi Product Special Economic Zone of Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Limited. Submitted to Mahindra Word City(Jaipur)Limited, Nov.15,20CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES
2010A Study of Expenditure on Water Resource Development in Rajasthan Under EU-SPP, August 2010. CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES
2010Mid Term Evaluation Study on Wakal River Basin Watershed Development Project- Phase II, supported by Wells for India UK, 2010.CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES
2010Awareness Building on New State Water Policy, supported by India Water Partnership, New Delhi, 2010. CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES -
2010Adaption and Mitigation Strategies to Combat Climate Variability and Change: A Case Study of GVNML, August 2010.CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES -
2010A study of Impact of GVNML Intervention in terms of Mitigating Effects of Climate Change supported by Oxfam, Ahmedabad, 2010. CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES -