Update Date | Research Report | Research Author | Research Paper |
2021 | Impact of Urban Sewerage Disposal on Rural Water Bodies in Jodhpur and Geophysical Electrical Resistivity Survey - A Study of Uchiyarda Village, CEDSJ- GIZ Report 2021. | CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES |
2021 | Water Resource Management in Jodhpur District Challenges and Alternatives, CEDSJ Report 2021 | CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES |
2020 | Final Evaluation of the project: Primary Education Centres (PEC). Implemented by Sambhali Trust, Jodhpur, supported by PADEM- Luxembourg, Jodhpur, March 2020. | CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES |
2020 | Final Evaluation of the Project: Laadli Boarding Home (LBH). Implemented by Sambhali Trust, Jodhpur, supported by PADEM- Luxembourg, Jodhpur, March 2020. | CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES |
2020 | Benchmarking the Water Resources & Developing Siting Criteria for Establishment of Industrial Areas and Water Intensive Units in Rajasthan. A Report commissioned by the Rajasthan State Pollution Contr | CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES |
2019 | Geophysical Mapping and Identification of Potential Groundwater Recharge Locations in Chirawa Block, Jhunjhunu District, Rajasthan. Supported by Ramkrishan Jaidayal Dalmia Seva Sansthan, March 2019. | CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES |
2019 | Climate Change Vulnerabilities and Agriculture Cum NRM Based Resilience Strategies in Selected Areas of Rajasthan. Supported by Madhyanchal Forum and RAJMERU, Jaipur, October 2019. | CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES |
2019 | End Term Review of the Project titled ?Community Based Participatory Aquifer Management System for Equity and Sustainability in Water Resource Management?. Supported by Department of Science and Techn | CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES |
2018 | NIAS-DST Project Completion Report ? ?Social Technological Solutions for Major Water Challenges Facing India?. Supported by DST, GOI National Institute of Advanced Studies IISC CAMPUS, Bangalore-56001 | CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES |
2018 | Mid Term Review of the Project titled ?Community Based Participatory Aquifer Management System for Equity and Sustainability in Water Resource Management?. Supported by Department of Science and Techn | CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES |
2018 | Mid-term evaluation of the project ?Improvement in Access to Water and Sanitation of Vulnerable People Living in Thar Desert, Rajasthan India?, implemented by H.H. Maharaja Hanwant Singhji Charitable | CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES |
2018 | Mid Term Evaluation of the Project Primary Education Centers. Implemented by Sambhali Trust, Jodhpur, supported by PADEM- Luxembourg, October 2018. | CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES |
2018 | Mid Term Evaluation of the Project Laadli Girls? Home. Implemented by Sambhali Trust, Jodhpur, supported by PADEM- Luxembourg, October 2018. | CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES |
2018 | Evaluation of Rajasthan State Finances, Supported by The Fifteenth Finance Commission, Government of India, New Delhi, November 2018. | CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES |
2018 | Annual Report- Climate Resilient Development: A Case Study of Mashi Sub Basin in Rajasthan. Supported by India Water Partnership & Global Water Partnership, December 2018. | CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES |
2017 | Water Resource Mapping in Chirawa Block, a study supported by Department of Science and Technology, GOI, and implementing Agency Ramkrishan Jaidayal Dalmia Seva Sansthan, Chirawa, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan | CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES |
2017 | Drinking Water Security in Arid Rajasthan, Supported by Department of Science and Technology, GOI, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, March 2017. | CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES |
2017 | Drinking Water Security in Arid Rajasthan, Part II Technical Report, Supported by Department of Science and Technology, GOI, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, March 2017. | CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES |
2017 | Addressing Challenges of Severe Groundwater Degradation, Water Balance Modeling for Identifying Options for Chirawa Block, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan. Supported by Department of Science and Technology, GOI, | CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES |
2017 | Community Management of Groundwater Resources in Chirawa Block- Geophysical Study. Supported by Department of Science and Technology, GOI, and implementing Agency Ramkrishan Jaidayal Dalmia Seva Sanst | CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES |
2017 | Mashi River Basin Jal Sansad (Mashi River Basin Water Parliament)- Constitution, supported by India Water Partnership & Global Water Partnership, January 2017(Draft). | CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES |
2017 | Natural Resource Management in Mashi River Basin, Stakeholder Capacity Building Training Modules for Domestic Water Users, Farmers and PRI Representatives. Supported by India Water Partnership & Globa | CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES |
2016 | Water Balance Modeling for Mashi Basin, Rajasthan, Supported by India Water Partnership & Global Water Partnership, November 2016. | CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES |
2016 | Participatory River Basin Management, Search for a New Governance System. Supported by India Water Partnership & Global Water Partnership, August 2016 | CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES |
2016 | Community Management of Groundwater Resources in Chirawa Block, A Base Line Survey, supported by Department of Science and Technology, GOI, Implementing Agency Ramkrishan Jaidayal Dalmia Seva Sansthan | CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES |
2015 | Water Resources Planning and Management in Chirawa, IWRM Approach, August 2015. | CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES |
2015 | Livestock and Livelihood in the Jhunjhunu District of Rajasthan. Supported by Ramkrishan Jaidayal Dalmia Seva Sansthan, February 2015 | CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES |
2014 | Agrarian Chang in Jhunjhunu District, Supported by Ramkrishan Jaidayal Dalmia Seva Sansthan, December 2014. | CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES |
2014 | North Zone Consultation on National Water Policy (NCP) 2012: Preparation of Road Map for Implementing the Policy: Consultation report, 2014 | CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES |
2014 | Baseline Survey: RJDSS Baseline Survey, Ramkrishan Jaidayal Dalmia Seva Sansthan, September 2014. | CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES |
2013 | Impact Monitoring Study of Project Activities on Profitability of farm Operation and Income of Farmers under Agricultural Support Services Component of RWSRP. | CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES |
2013 | Mid Term Evaluation Survey of RAJAMIIP, under the activity; Monitoring and Evaluation of RAJAMIIP. | CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES |
2012 | Drinking Water Security in Arid and Semi-arid Areas of Rajasthan, supported by National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS), Bangalore and Department of Science and Technology, GOI (Preliminary Repor | CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES |
2012 | Impact Monitoring Study of Project Activities on Profitability of farm Operation and Income of Farmers under Agricultural Support Services Component of RWSRP funded by the World Bank. | CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES |
2012 | Monitoring and Evaluation Consultancy Services for RAJAMIIP, Government of Rajasthan, funded by JBIC. | CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES |
2012 | Report on ?Transformation of State Institute of Agriculture Management (SIAM) into a Centre of Excellence, May 2012. | CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES |
2011 | Rainwater Harvesting and Artificial Recharge in Multi Product Special Economic Zone of Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Limited 2011. | CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES |
2011 | The Uncomfortable Nexus ? Water, Urbanization and Climate Change in Jaipur, India, ISET and CEDSJ, July 2011. | CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES |
2010 | Inception Report: Rainwater Harvesting and Artificial Recharge in Multi Product Special Economic Zone of Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Limited. Submitted to Mahindra Word City(Jaipur)Limited, Nov.15,20 | CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES |
2010 | A Study of Expenditure on Water Resource Development in Rajasthan Under EU-SPP, August 2010. | CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES |
2010 | Mid Term Evaluation Study on Wakal River Basin Watershed Development Project- Phase II, supported by Wells for India UK, 2010. | CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES |
2010 | Awareness Building on New State Water Policy, supported by India Water Partnership, New Delhi, 2010. | CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES |
2010 | Adaption and Mitigation Strategies to Combat Climate Variability and Change: A Case Study of GVNML, August 2010. | CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES |
2010 | A study of Impact of GVNML Intervention in terms of Mitigating Effects of Climate Change supported by Oxfam, Ahmedabad, 2010. | CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES |